.. _example_ensemble_plot_voting_decision_regions.py: ================================================== Plot the decision boundaries of a VotingClassifier ================================================== Plot the decision boundaries of a `VotingClassifier` for two features of the Iris dataset. Plot the class probabilities of the first sample in a toy dataset predicted by three different classifiers and averaged by the `VotingClassifier`. First, three examplary classifiers are initialized (`DecisionTreeClassifier`, `KNeighborsClassifier`, and `SVC`) and used to initialize a soft-voting `VotingClassifier` with weights `[2, 1, 2]`, which means that the predicted probabilities of the `DecisionTreeClassifier` and `SVC` count 5 times as much as the weights of the `KNeighborsClassifier` classifier when the averaged probability is calculated. .. image:: images/\plot_voting_decision_regions_001.png :align: center **Python source code:** :download:`plot_voting_decision_regions.py ` .. literalinclude:: plot_voting_decision_regions.py :lines: 21- **Total running time of the example:** 1.29 seconds ( 0 minutes 1.29 seconds)