1. 中文
    1. 简介
    2. 初步研究
    3. 从初步研究到 DuReader
      1. 数据收集与标注
        1. 数据收集
        2. 问题类型标注
        3. 答案标注
        4. 质量控制
        5. 训练集、开发集和测试集
      2. DuReader 是(相对地)很有挑战
    4. 实验
      1. 基线系统
      2. 段落选择
      3. 答案选择
      4. 结果和分析
      5. Opinion-aware 验证
      6. 讨论
    5. 结论
  2. English
    1. Introduction
    2. Pilot Study
    3. Scaling up from the Pilot to DuReader
      1. Data Collection and Annotation
        1. Data Collection
        2. Question Type Annotation
        3. Answer Annotation
        4. Quality Control
        5. Training, Development and Test Sets
      2. DuReader is (Relatively) Challenging
    4. Experiments
      1. Baseline Systems
      2. Paragraph Selection
      3. Answer Span Selection
      4. Results and Analysis
      5. Opinion-aware Evaluation
      6. Discussion
    5. Conclusion

DuReader: a Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension Dataset from Real-world Applications

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05073

Page: http://ai.baidu.com/broad/subordinate?dataset=dureader

Code: https://github.com/baidu/DuReader/


DuReader 与以前的 MRC 数据集相比有三个优势:

  1. 数据来源:问题和文档均基于百度搜索和百度知道; 答案是手动生成的。

  2. 问题类型:它为更多的问题类型提供了丰富的注释,特别是是非类和观点类问题。

  3. 规模:包含 200K 个问题,420K 个答案和 1M 个文档; 是目前最大的中文 MRC 数据集。

This paper introduces DuReader, a new large-scale, open-domain Chinese machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset, designed to address real-world MRC.

DuReader has three advantages over previous MRC datasets:

  1. data sources: questions and documents are based on Baidu Search and Baidu Zhidao; answers are manually generated.

  2. question types: it provides rich annotations for more question types, especially yes-no and opinion questions, that leaves more opportunity for the research community.

  3. scale: it contains 200K questions, 420K answers and 1M documents; it is the largest Chinese MRC dataset so far.



Dataset Lang #Que. #Docs Source of Que. Source of Docs Answer Type
CNN/DM EN 1.4M 300K Synthetic cloze News Fill in entity
HLF-RC ZH 100K 28K Synthetic cloze Fairy/News Fill in word
CBT EN 688K 108 Synthetic cloze Children’s books Multi. choices
RACE EN 870K 50K English exam English exam Multi. choices
MCTest EN 2K 500 Crowd-sourced Fictional stories Multi. choices
NewsQA EN 100K 10K Crowd-sourced CNN Span of words
SQuAD EN 100K 536 Crowd-sourced Wiki. Span of words
SearchQA EN 140K 6.9M QA site Web doc. Span of words
TrivaQA EN 40K 660K Trivia websites Wiki./Web doc. Span/substring of words
NarrativeQA EN 46K 1.5K Crowd-sourced Book&movie Manual summary
MS-MARCO EN 100K 200K User logs Web doc. Manual summary
DuReader ZH 200k 1M User logs Web doc./CQA Manual summary

表 1: 机器阅读理解数据集对比


Examples Fact Opinion
Entity iphone哪天发布 2017最好看的十部电影
- On which day will iphone be released Top 10 movies of 2017
Description 消防车为什么是红的 丰田卡罗拉怎么样
- Why are firetrucks red How is Toyota Carola
YesNo 39.5度算高烧吗 学围棋能开发智力吗
- Is 39.5 degree a high fever Does learning to play go improve intelligence

表 2: 中文六类问题的例子

从初步研究到 DuReader



DuReader 的样本可用四元组表示: \(\{q, t, D, A\}\),其中 \(q\) 是问题,\(t\) 是问题类型,\(D\) 是相关文档集合,\(A\) 是由人类标注产生的答案集合。






数量 训练集 开发集 测试集
问题 181K 10K 10K
文档 855K 45K 46K
答案 376K 20K 21K

DuReader 是(相对地)很有挑战


  1. 答案数量

    图 1. 答案数量分布

  2. 编辑距离


  3. 文档长度

    问题平均 4.8 词,答案平均 69.6 词,文档平均 396 词。



  1. 从每个文件中选择一个最相关的段落

  2. 在选定的段落中应用最先进的 MRC 模型





  • Match-LSTM



  • BiDAF




评价方法:BLEU-4, Rouge-L

Systems Baidu Search - Baidu Zhidao - All -
- BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L%
Selected Paragraph 15.8 22.6 16.5 38.3 16.4 30.2
Match-LSTM 23.1 31.2 42.5 48.0 31.9 39.2
BiDAF 23.1 31.1 42.2 47.5 31.8 39.0
Human 55.1 54.4 57.1 60.7 56.1 57.4

表 6:典型的 MRC 系统在 DuReader 上的效果

Question type Description - Entity - YesNo -
- BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L%
Match-LSTM 32.8 40.0 29.5 38.5 5.9 7.2
BiDAF 32.6 39.7 29.8 38.4 5.5 7.5
Human 58.1 58.0 44.6 52.0 56.2 57.4

表 8:不同问题类型的效果

Opinion-aware 验证

Question type Fact - Opinion -
- BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L%
Opinion-unaware 6.3 8.3 5.0 7.1
Opinion-aware 12.0 13.9 8.0 8.9

表 9:opinion-aware 模型在 YesNo 问题上的效果



提出了 DuReader 数据集,提供了几个 baseline。



Dataset Lang #Que. #Docs Source of Que. Source of Docs Answer Type
CNN/DM EN 1.4M 300K Synthetic cloze News Fill in entity
HLF-RC ZH 100K 28K Synthetic cloze Fairy/News Fill in word
CBT EN 688K 108 Synthetic cloze Children’s books Multi. choices
RACE EN 870K 50K English exam English exam Multi. choices
MCTest EN 2K 500 Crowd-sourced Fictional stories Multi. choices
NewsQA EN 100K 10K Crowd-sourced CNN Span of words
SQuAD EN 100K 536 Crowd-sourced Wiki. Span of words
SearchQA EN 140K 6.9M QA site Web doc. Span of words
TrivaQA EN 40K 660K Trivia websites Wiki./Web doc. Span/substring of words
NarrativeQA EN 46K 1.5K Crowd-sourced Book&movie Manual summary
MS-MARCO EN 100K 200K User logs Web doc. Manual summary
DuReader ZH 200k 1M User logs Web doc./CQA Manual summary

Table 1: DuReader has three advantages over previous MRC datasets: (1) data sources: questions and documents are based on Baidu Search & Baidu Zhidao; answers are manually generated, (2) question types, and (3) scale: 200k questions, 420k answers and 1M documents (largest Chinese MRC dataset so far). The next three tables address advantage (2).

Pilot Study

Examples Fact Opinion
Entity iphone哪天发布 2017最好看的十部电影
- On which day will iphone be released Top 10 movies of 2017
Description 消防车为什么是红的 丰田卡罗拉怎么样
- Why are firetrucks red How is Toyota Carola
YesNo 39.5度算高烧吗 学围棋能开发智力吗
- Is 39.5 degree a high fever Does learning to play go improve intelligence

Table 2: Examples of the six types of questions in Chinese (with glosses in English). Previous datasets have focused on fact-entity and fact-description, though all six types are common in search logs.

Scaling up from the Pilot to DuReader

Data Collection and Annotation

Data Collection

The DuReader is a sequence of 4-tuples: \(\{q, t, D, A\}\), where \(q\) is a question, \(t\) is a question type, \(D\) is a set of relevant documents, and \(A\) is an answer set produced by human annotators.

Question Type Annotation

Answer Annotation


Quality Control

Training, Development and Test Sets

number training development test
questions 181K 10K 10K
documents 855K 45K 46K
answers 376K 20K 21K

The training, development and test sets consist of 181K, 10K and 10K questions, 855K, 45K and 46K documents, 376K, 20K and 21K answers, respectively.

DuReader is (Relatively) Challenging


  1. The number of answers.

    Figure 1: A few questions have one (and only one) answer, especially for Zhidao.

  2. The edit distance.

    the difference between the human generated answers and the source documents is large.

  3. The document length.

    In DuReader, questions tend to be short (4.8 words on average) compared to answers (69.6 words), and answers tend to be short compared to documents (396 words on average).


Baseline Systems

our designed systems have two steps:

  1. select one most related paragraph from each document

  2. apply the state-of-the-art MRC models on the selected paragraphs

Paragraph Selection

In training stage, we select one paragraph from a document as the most relevant one, if the paragraph has the largest overlap with human generated answer.

In testing stage, since we have no human generated answer, we select the most relevant paragraph that has the largest overlap with the corresponding question.

Answer Span Selection

  • Match-LSTM

    To find an answer in a paragraph, it goes through the paragraph sequentially and dynamically aggregates the matching of an attention-weighted question representation to each token of the paragraph.

    Finally, an answer pointer layer is used to find an answer span in the paragraph.

  • BiDAF

    It uses both context-to-question attention and question-to-context attention in order to highlight the important parts in both question and context.

    After that, the so-called attention flow layer is used to fuse all useful information in order to get a vector representation for each position.

Results and Analysis

We evaluate the reading comprehension task via character-level BLEU-4 and Rouge-L.

Systems Baidu Search - Baidu Zhidao - All -
- BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L%
Selected Paragraph 15.8 22.6 16.5 38.3 16.4 30.2
Match-LSTM 23.1 31.2 42.5 48.0 31.9 39.2
BiDAF 23.1 31.1 42.2 47.5 31.8 39.0
Human 55.1 54.4 57.1 60.7 56.1 57.4

Table 6: Performance of typical MRC systems on the DuReader.

Question type Description - Entity - YesNo -
- BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L%
Match-LSTM 32.8 40.0 29.5 38.5 5.9 7.2
BiDAF 32.6 39.7 29.8 38.4 5.5 7.5
Human 58.1 58.0 44.6 52.0 56.2 57.4

Table 8: Performance on various question types.

Opinion-aware Evaluation

Question type Fact - Opinion -
- BLEU-4% Rouge-L% BLEU-4% Rouge-L%
Opinion-unaware 6.3 8.3 5.0 7.1
Opinion-aware 12.0 13.9 8.0 8.9

Table 9: Performance of opinion-aware model on YesNo questions.



This paper announced the release of DuReader, a new dataset for researchers interested in machine reading comprehension (MRC).