1. 7-1 Coalitional Game Theory: Taste
  2. 7-2 Coalitional Game Theory: Definitions
  3. 7-3 The Shapley Value
  4. 7-4 The Core
  5. 7-5 Comparing the Core and Shapley value in an Example

Game Theory

Week 7: Coalitional Games


7-1 Coalitional Game Theory: Taste


7-2 Coalitional Game Theory: Definitions

  • Transferable utility assumption:


    1. the payoffs to a coalition may be freely redistributed among its members


    2. satisfied whenever there is a universal currency that is used for exchange in the system


    3. means that each coalition can be assigned a single value as its payoff


  • Coalitional game with transferable utility

    带可传递效用的联盟型博弈(合作博弈 Cooperative game)

    a pair \((N, v)\), where

    • \(N\) is a finite set of players, indexed by i

    • \(v : 2^N \mapsto \mathbb{R}\) associates with each coalition \(S \subseteq N\) a real-valued payoff \(v(S)\) that the coalition’s members can distribute among themselves. We assume that \(v(\emptyset) = 0\)

  • Superadditive game


    A game \(G = (N, v)\) is superadditive if for all \(S, T \subset N\), if \(S \cap T = \emptyset\), then \(v(S \cup T) \ge v(S) + v(T)\)

7-3 The Shapley Value

\(\psi(N, v)\) is a vector of payoffs to each agent, explaining how they divide the payoff of the grand coalition, \(\psi_i(N, v)\) is \(i\)'s payoff.

  1. Axiom (Symmetry)

    For any \(v\), if \(i\) and \(j\) are interchangeable then \(\psi_i(N, v) = \psi_j(N, v)\)

  2. Axiom (Dummy player)

    For any \(v\), if \(i\) is a dummy player then \(\psi_i(N, v) = v({i})\)

  3. Axiom (Additivity)

    For any two \(v_1\) and \(v_2\), \(\psi_i(N, v_1 + v_2) = \psi_i(N, v_1) + \psi_i(N, v_2)\) for each \(i\), where the game \((N, v_1 + v_2)\) is defined by \((v_1 + v_2)(S) = v_1(S) + v_2(S)\) for every coalition \(S\)

  • Shapley value

    Given a coalitional game \((N, v)\), the Shapley value divides payoffs among players according to:

    \[\phi_i(N, v) = \frac{1}{N!} \sum_{S \subseteq N \backslash \{i\}} \lvert S \rvert ! (\lvert N \rvert - \lvert S \rvert - 1)! \left[ v(S \cup \{i\}) - v(S) \right]\]

  • Theorem

    Given a coalitional game \((N, v)\), there is a unique payoff division \(x(v) = \phi(N, v)\) that divides the full payoff of the grand coalition and that satisfies the Symmetry, Dummy player and Additivity axioms: the Shapley Value

7-4 The Core

  • Core


    A payoff vector \(x\) is in the core of a coalitional game \((N, v)\) if and only if

    \[\forall S \subseteq N, \sum_{i \in S} x_i \ge v(S)\]

The core can be empty, and not unique.


  • Simple game


    A game \(G = (N, v)\) is simple if for all \(S \subset N\), \(v(S) \in {0, 1}\)

  • Veto player


    A player \(i\) is a veto player if \(v(N \backslash \{i\}) = 0\)

  • Theorem

    In a simple game the core is empty iff there is no veto player.


    If there are veto players, the core consists of all payoff vectors in which the nonveto players get 0.

    如果有否决选手,则核心由所有非否决权者收益为 0 的分配向量组成。

Example: Airport Game

  • Convex game


    A game \(G = (N, v)\) is convex if for all \(S, T \subset N\), \(v(S \cup T) \ge v(S) + v(T) - v(S \cap T)\)

  • Theorem

    Every convex game has a nonempty core.


  • Theorem

    In every convex game, the Shapley value is in the core.

    对于每个凸博弈,Shapley 值都在核心中。

7-5 Comparing the Core and Shapley value in an Example

UN security council: represent it as a cooperative game
